Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

FanArt : Winter Interview

Haruka x Takane in winter interview meme :)

Gomen kalau bahasa inggrisku hancur (terus aku ada yang salah ketik, harusnya especially bukan expecially -_-) // paniiik, mana gambarnya udah jadi lagi...terus coloring sama proporsi msih harus terus latihan lagi

Nih aku kasih sedikit ceritanya :

Reporter : Excuse me
Haruka : Yes?
Takane : (What it is????)
Reporter : We would like to know your opinion about the snow strom that happen in Japan right now
Haruka : Well...
Takane : (Of course it's ANNOYING you baka!!)
Haruka : Actually, i kinda like it
Rep+Takane : ???!!
Takane : (Is this guy stupid or something??!!)
Rep : Why?
Haruka : I like being with someone special in a snow like this
Takane : (Huh??)
Haruka : Especially, If it's with Takane, i think it would be really fun!!
Takane : (GAAH!!! What the hell!!? Kyaaah!! No, no, no, no, no!!!! This is soooooooo embarasing!!! I want to cry! DAMN IT!!! Just let me die already!!!!)

Well, sankyuu :)

Fujiwara Hatsune

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